Amazon Alliance Spreading Fire Awareness

We’ve all undoubtedly heard of the fires that have been ravaging the Amazon…

"Sugar 2.0" May Tackle Health Problems Caused By Traditional Sugar

Candy companies should take some responsibility for the problems caused by…

Rise in Sugar Content In U.K. Chocolate

Last week, we wrote about the study published by the European Journal of…

Irish Study Shows Children Consuming Too Much Sugar

Many sugary snacks and cereals are blatantly marketed towards children. A…

Legal Marijuana Use Increasing Snacking

Recently, there has been some bad publicity for legal marijuana regarding…

Future Trends for Candy Retailers

One of the biggest criticisms regarding internet use is that we only look for…

Laetose: Potential Solution to Problems Caused by Sugar

One of the nutritional changes that young consumers are demanding in their…

Child-Labor Claims Responded To By U.S. Senators

The US is one of the world’s biggest importers of cacao in the world. Last year…

Apps Are Tackling the Food Waste Problem

What does it mean for a retailer to be a zero edible waste food store? In order…

Counterfeit Confections Brands on the Rise

We’ve all either heard about or have come across luxury counterfeit goods such…