Halloween Treats Best In Moderation
When it comes to Halloween, most of us accept the idea that it won’t be a good…
Interesting Halloween Candy Facts
October is arguably the most exciting month for candy for a variety of reasons.…
Can Candy Be Healthy for You?
There have long been concerns about processed sugar and the impending tax does…
Spicy Candy Now a Hot Commodity in US
I spent a lot of time in Mexico, growing up, where there is one of the largest…
The Emergence of Online Candy
Where do you go to get some candy? Most of us would say the local grocery…
The Emergence of Functional Candy
The impulse aisles of your local Whole Foods market aren’t filled with the…
Peppermint Ice-Cream on Memorial Day
This Monday, we take the time off to honor those brave men and women who have…
Health Benefits of Lemons
Sometimes life gives you lemons. Before turning them into lemonade, you may…
Health Benefits of White Horehound Candy
Photo from www.omcseeds.com Have you ever heard of “white horehound?” Unless…
6 States Pick Candy Corn As Their Halloween Favorite?
The polls are in! This halloween season, candystore.com took it upon themselves…