The king of peppermint candy, King Leo® is one of the most recognized names in the industry. Producing delicious, soft, pure sugar peppermint candies, it's no wonder peppermint is the most popular flavor in the world when it tastes this good!

Another of the world's most recognized candy brands, Gilliam® has been providing sweet smiles with old fashioned candy sticks and drops for almost 100 years! Since then Quality Candy Company™ has evolved the brand to produce the same old fashioned candy you know and love, as well as new confections and sweets that will bring a smile to your face. We even make them Organic!!

Our newest brand BETTER4Ü® is something special that we have been hard at work on. This isn't your typical candy, this candy is truly better for you and your health. We are proud to introduce the worlds first NO SUGAR and ORGANIC line of candies. It looks like candy, feels like candy, tastes like candy, but there are 0 grams of sugar and they're 100% organic...now that's sweet!! Nobody else can say the same about their candy.
Our staple and overarching brand, these confections go back to our roots. It all started with Quality Candy Company® making lollipops, and then starlight mints for the food-service industry. We are thrilled to have grown to become one of the nation's largest manufacturers of confections for both food service, and contract manufacturing for other awesome brands!

One of America's oldest candy manufacturers, Washburn's™ started in 1856 in a small building in Massachusetts. Famous for classic holiday candies that you know and love, Quality Candy Company® is proud to be the new owner and manufacturer of the brand. Using the original tried and true recipes, we manufacturer the famous Washburn's™ candies to the high standard that Quality Candy Company™ is known for.

Sevigny's® Candy began in Massachusetts In the mid-20th century. One of the only manufactures of Ribbon Candy in the United States, Sevigny's® invented proprietary equipment to produce the most delicate and beautiful ribbon candy in the world. This production innovation has led Sevigny's® to be one of the worlds premiere manufactures of the beautiful, wavy and thin Ribbon Candy you know and love.
Pounds of Candy Produced Annually
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