The Big Deal About Organics
Nowadays, the term organic describes much more than the way food is processed. In this health-crazed age we live in, organic has become a lifestyle. Within that lifestyle lies a niche that you as a candy company can explore. This is the big deal about organics.
And what better way to explore that niche than with organic candy? Here at Quality Candy, we recently launched our first line of organic products. But before we go any further, let’s quickly break down why organic food is so important to many health conscious consumers.
Organic ingredients are grown without the use of non-organic pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, ionized radiation or genetic modification.
When food is genetically modified, the result is an organism that grows bigger, faster and more resistant to pesticides. Genetically modified foods can even be engineered to contain their own preservatives! You don’t have to be a genius to see why so many GMOs are grown every year, but what happens to the consumer?
The Organic Consumers Association
According to the Organic Consumers Association, the number one cause of deteriorating public health amongst adults and children is genetically modified organisms. Genetically engineered ingredients are found in most processed foods in the U.S., even in products labeled “all-natural.” These ingredients are untested and, when consumed, leave behind genetically modified material that may cause long-term health effects.
In fact, according to the American Academy of Environmental Medicine, genes inserted into genetically modified soy can transfer into the DNA of healthy bacteria living inside our bodies.
Health effects aside, consumers’ biggest worry about GMOs is a lack of transparency. Products containing GMOs are not required to be labeled so many people consume them without knowing. Everyone should have the right to know what he or she is putting inside his or her body, especially if it’s detrimental to one’s health.
The bottom line is that organic food is simply healthier than genetically modified food. It doesn’t hurt that it tastes better too. Still, many people remain unaware of the dangers of GMOs so please share this post! Make sure to follow Quality Candy on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest for our latest blog entries. Our next post will talk about how carrying organic candy can help improve your company’s sales.