Today, most things are accessible to us at a click of a button thanks to the wonders of online shopping. The use of the internet as a secure form of shopping started in the late 90’s and while most of us have ordered something online, there is a growing trend amongst online shoppers that may force candy companies to rethink how they market their treats.

An online grocer is a service that allows its clients to have their groceries delivered right to their door for a fee. Customers can select a wide variety of fresh produce and avoid the worry of making time out of their busy weeks to visit the grocery store.

The ever increasing popularity of online shopping has proven that people are willing to pay for convenience. Unfortunately, many candy companies rely on customers visiting physical storefronts for the majority of their sales.

Have you ever noticed how most of the candy in supermarkets is always right next to the registers? These are called impulse buy items. Right before you exit the store, you’re presented with all of these irresistible and very affordable choices. More often than not, you’ll leave the store with at least one unplanned pack of gum. In fact, many major candy companies consider impulse purchases a significant source of their sales.

Impulse candy sales may begin to suffer, as more companies like AmazonFresh continue to develop their grocery delivery service. In fact, according to this article by Quartz, sales in the chewing gum industry have been declining over the past decade. “The market for chewing gum, in general—which includes bubble gum, mint gums, and sugar-free varieties—sits at $3 billion, down more than 8% over the past decade.” Good thing we have an online store!

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