Sevigny’s Candy began in Massachusetts In the mid-20th century. One of the only manufactures of Ribbon Candy in the United States, Sevigny’s invented an air activated automatic cutter to create the batches and cut the ribbons into individual pieces at pre-determined intervals. This production innovation has led Sevigny’s to be one of the world’s premiere manufactures of the beautiful, wavy and delicate Ribbon Candy you know and love. Quality Candy Company recently acquired Sevigny’s in 2019 in order to keep the brand alive and thriving!

Sevigny Candy began in Massachusetts In the mid-20th century. One of the only manufactures of Ribbon Candy in the United States, Sevigny invented an air activated automatic cutter to create the batches and cut the ribbons into individual pieces at pre-determined intervals. This production innovation has led Sevigny to be one of the worlds premiere manufactures of the beautiful, wavy and delicate Ribbon Candy you know and love.

Sevigny Candy began in Massachusetts In the mid-20th century. One of the only manufactures of Ribbon Candy in the United States, Sevigny invented an air activated automatic cutter to create the batches and cut the ribbons into individual pieces at pre-determined intervals. This production innovation has led Sevigny to be one of the worlds premiere manufactures of the beautiful, wavy and delicate Ribbon Candy you know and love.